Neuropsychological Evaluations

for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

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Psychological and Neurocognitive Assessments

Dr. Albert specializes in conducting neuropsychological evaluations of children as young as six years old and continuing into early adulthood.

Arielle Albert, PhD | Neuropsychologist Chicago

Arielle Albert, Ph.D.

Areas of focus include:

  • Diagnosing learning disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders and autism spectrum disorders
  • Evaluating eligibility for school-based/academic accommodations, including test-taking accommodations
  • Assessing the emotional and cognitive functioning of individuals
  • Assessing impulse control difficulties
  • Understanding the role between emotional disorders and neurocognitive disturbance and providing appropriate treatment recommendations
  • Providing individuals and families with compensatory strategies and behavioral management techniques to help with a wide range of concerns

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What is a Pediatric Neuropsychologist?

Pediatric Neuropsychologist Chicago

A Pediatric Neuropsychology is interested in the relationship between the brain and behavior.

Pediatric Neuropsychologists are licensed Clinical Psychologists who have advanced training in the understanding of the brain.

This helps them evaluate and understand the cognitive effects of various medical conditions, developmental disorders and other psychological issues.

A Pediatric Neuropsychologist can help identify:

  • How a client learns best
  • Whether a client meets criteria for a certain diagnosis
  • How a client responds to challenge and frustration
  • Whether a client’s difficulties are due to motivational issues or neurocognitive processing challenges
  • How emotional problems impact cognition (thinking)
  • Why clients may be having behavior problems
  • Appropriate expectations (from parents, teachers, professors, therapists, etc.) to match a client’s abilities
  • Appropriate treatment recommendations
Arielle Albert, PhD | Neuropsychologist Chicago

A Pediatric Neuropsychologist can offer:

Pediatric Neuropsychologist for Young Adults
  • Children, adolescents and young adults a better understanding of themselves
  • Effective strategies for addressing identified challenges
  • A thorough written report documenting a client’s neurocognitive profile, including a diagnosis (when applicable) and recommendations
  • Important information about clients to referring professionals and others who are involved in the client’s life (including parents, educators, mental health professionals and other treaters)

Interested in scheduling an evaluation or learning more?

Contact Dr. Albert